Friday, January 1, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Omg i cannot believe another year has flown by again...2009 has been a great year despite the terrible O level results. I was demoralized but in the end i think it all worked out because of the friends and relationships that have come out of it. REB has been great. I dun feel the extreme stress that some of my friends are feeling in other courses. It's very relaxed and i love it. hhahaha. Heres a shout out to my peeps.

To bestie ah: hshaha. i;m so happy we have become super duper close over the last two years. Hence tie and toe. lol. Omg ur support has given me strength in different ways.. hehe. We should meet up more often and catch up more. I miss you!!! :( More sleep overs ok!! :) <3333333

To the crew : Lydia ( best friend) , Venessa (bobo), Cherryl( laopo), faith and jessie. Omg we have known each other for like 5 years and on going espeacially to lyd, bobo and cher. Time sure has passed. I cannot count the number of arguments we had esp lydia. hahaha. Bobo ah we have to definitely meet .. Cherryl i miss you alot and am so happy that we have gotten closer of the year. Our many h2h brought us closer. Faith and Jessie we should try to meet up more often esp jessie .. you are miaed the whole while. Where have u been sia... I love you guys to the max ok!!! Hope that we can be closer even more !! HAppy 2010~~~

To my foursome: HAllie, yen and duxue. Knowing you guys have been great because each of our characters are different but yet similar in a way hence we can be good friends for so long. You guys made me open my eyes bigger toalot of things .. hahaha. And thank you for being there for me with my countless problems.Without your support i think would have been more problematic. I love you guys many!! hope our friendship will continue to prosper!!! <333

To poly friends: 1B01: hahah. So nice to have known you guys better in the second semester. lol. Hope that our friendship will prosper!! :)) Happy new year
1B03 girls : Floral buddy ahaha so nice to have a friend who loves floral patterns too. hehe. Hope that we can be closer... Fiona, Kirstie and Huixian, we aren't that close but i believe we can be closer Cheers to our friendship.
1B03 guys: Erm.. we are not that close but i hope we can be in the coming days. lolHAppy New year!!!
Dancesport: Cherry, Marie, Gwyn and Seniors . It's been super great to know you guys and have friends like you... :)) I can't wait for the coming competition!! :)
B pathe: Eileen, Abi, Cheng, and others. hahah. Eileen, it's so nice to have u in the same course and me though different pathe, at least we get to see each other once in a while. Abi , I'm so happy for you an cannot wait for your big day!!! I hope we can be closer... Cheng, i'm happy we are close and having known you has been great. Hope it will prosper!!! :))

Melanie: hahah So nice to have someone with the same initials and same b'day month!! hahaha. Meet up soon!!!<333
Charles: We have known each other for more 5 years and going.. nice to have you as a Senior and a friend, hope to meet up soon!!! :)) For our b'day celebrations!! :))

Sorry to those that i have missed out.. Happy New year to everyone and a properous 2010!!!!<3333

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