Monday, August 10, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE AND DAXINO!!! HAHAHA. One is 44 and the other is 18. hahaha. Sooo cool!!! lol. Anyway, saturday, couldn't really study, and in the end slept for 3 hours. hahah. And watched bof!!! Woohooo!!! So kuch for not watching it for like really long since i just finished it via dvd. But you know, every saturday is the show and i lovelovelove kim hyun joong and kim bum and the whole jene gang.,., hahahaah. Ahhh welll.... Then went to sleep at 1am coz smarty me slept for 3 bloody hours. lol. Talked to bobo, yen.. and watched youtube videos.

Sunday was national day , went to eat at jewel box at mount faber. hahaha. Damn nice lah the food but i wished i hadn';t drank white wine. Wanted cocktail but well... It was ok... Then took the cable car to sentosa and then back. Gosh there is a slide on star virgo now... I want to gooooo!!!!!!1m Looks damn fun. And one part of it goes over the sea. Sooo !!! I want!! hshashaha. Then went to marina sq and saw the ndp road show. They were showing all the ndp vidoes on the hugmongus tv. hahaha. Then went to times to maybe get some books but couldn't find any so i read abit somehow i read until my bro said my face was read. Wonder why/././ I thinhk it's the wine lah... Then went to starbucks coffee and drank. then i went to walk around and got a top from miss selfrige. hahha. Damn nice and only $19 hahahaha.i like!!!hahah. Then went to try on some shoes and maybe get but couldn;t. So in the end didn't. Then went to wait for yen and yuhao at cityhall. But waited dam long so in the end went to raffles city to makeup and pee and walk around. Then went back to city hall again to waot for them. Finally came and then went to try to go to esplanade but they close up the entrance so went to marina sq there and then see firworks, Stood there for 2 hours then after the show went to walk around with yen and then went to wait for family to come. Went for dinner and then went home. hahaha.

Monday, went to watch harry potter and the half blood prince. It was ok... But i have to read the book again coz i forgot most of it. Sigh... Can't wait for the seventh one , Then went to suntec and pennensula and then went home. ahaha...
Watched Russel Peters which is omg damn good. hahaha. Want to watch more!!! Bye@!

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