Saturday, June 6, 2009

To be honest or not to be.

HONESTY. Has such a big meaning to it. TELL THE TRUTH and nothing but the truth or or so help you god.

You know people say they want you to tell the truth. Meaning , if you find them annoying at that time, tell them athey are being annoying. Or when they go back in time to a certain converation, they ask you about your opinion. Whether it was right or wrong. Should you tellt hem they were being annoying and 'hurt' them or say no you were ok, but u could have said another way... Is that still being honest. And about that certain thing, should i have said oh it was ok... blahblah. A whole lot of white lies.

I like people to tell me the truth especially people close to me. Whether i pissed you off or whatever, tell me. Dun go 'oh no it was ok' when i saw ur reaction tat told me 'omg she just did that'. You say you want to truth right. Then i'll give u the truth. The truth hurts but if it means changing for the better then wouldn't it be good.

Apparantly, there's being too honest. That you can't tell white lies and need to say everything out. Perhaps that's my problem. B eing too honest is unbecoming of me. Should not be so honest. But cannot dun be not honest at all. So what , just be honest. In the middle. Dun say too much and also dun say too little. Tell people what they want to hear. But it i always tell you what i want to hear , then am i still a friend? A friend is there to tell you she is there for you and will not let you down. Doesn't it include honesty too...

Should i care anymore. Maybe i shouldn't. It's getting on my nerves. I care too much and takes up too much of my energy. God help me. It's getting annoying. Tell me what to do so i can sleep.

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